Tuesday, May 15, 2012


What is Android?

 Context menu  
 It is long press menu.
 view Contex menu code
 List View in android  
 List view which provide List of content.
 view List View code
 List View + Context menu  
 List view and context menu
 view List View code

 Display Google Map in Android 
 Display the map in android phone
 view map code
There are different mobiles and computers operating systems like different models of computers and mobiles. Android is one of the operating systems using by the smart phones. Android is not simply an operating system rather hardware and programming languages are also use this Android Technology.
Android is a mobile software stack for mobile ,Tab devices. It also includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. TheAndroid SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.

Android was invented by an anonymous company but later on Google has taken its copyrights reserved and is now doing further development in this technology. It is Linux based technology that uses Unix as an operating system. Linux is the most recent technology in the field of communication and computing. It is therefore Android is demanded by most of the users to have it their operating system.  However it is also a fact that Google is offering an open choice for the users to modify and add any new application without even bring on the notice of Google. Anyone can upload a new application on the Android platform as App Store to either free or payable. These application uploads by the users can be easily download by the users and enjoy more features like additional games, interactive media and business plan.
  • Fast and easy application development
  • Application framework(Eclipse IDE basecdevelopment)
  • Dalvik virtual machine
  • AVD managenent 
  • Integrated browser
  • Optimized graphics 
  • SQLite for structured data storage
  • Media support
  • GSM Telephony 
  • Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi
  • Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer 
  • Rich development environment,more editable and updateable
  • Breaking down the application boundries

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